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Keen Wolf Christmas


Keen News

All news regarding Commander Keen. Games, artwork and more

Today Notch has included a rather awesome Keen reference in his game Minecraft. As of Minecraft Beta 1.9 Prerelease 2 you will see that the font being used for the enchantment skill is actually the Standard Galactic Alphabet which is the font used all throughout the Commander Keen series created by the legendary Tom Hall!

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Today marks a great day in history. The classic game that we all love, Commander Keen turns 20 years old! On this day 20 years ago a legend was born. Let us never forget him and celebrate this day in Keen’s honour in anyway possible!

Today marks the birthday of one of the geniuses that helped make Commander Keen! Happy birthday to you dude! Have a great one!

We have reached one year of existence. Bringing you some of the best Keen fan works found in the galaxy. We have been happy to share with you some awesome and inspiring art works over the year. Thank you to everyone for their support and fandom of our legendary hero Commander Keen!

In other news it is also Tom Hall’s birthday (The creator of Commander Keen) A very big special Happy Birthday to you Tom. Hope you have a great day!

Hope everyone had a great new years! Today we added a link to the left side of this page that will take you to a fan made comic strip of Commander Keen. This clever comic was created by Bob Thewes and is very well done. Head on over and check it out.