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Keen Wolf Christmas


Monthly Archives: October 2009

Recently we discovered a fantastic project that Laz has been working on. He is making a Commander Keen game that is being made with a 3D engine utilising the same principles as the original 2D Commander Keen game. For now we can see test examples that are set in the Shadowlands. The adaptation to 3D looks amazing! We will keeping a keen eye on this one. Be sure to have a look at the progress so far by visiting the following link. Project Shadowlands Blog


We added a few more videos and animations to our Videos section. We now have the third episode of Shadowlands (spoof episode) , The pilot episode of Strifetoons which includes the characters Duke Nukem, Doom Marine and Commander Keen all together as a group of friends. Also we have a fan video of where Commander Keen meets Command and Conquer.

Today we added some more images to the picture gallery over on the left. There will be a new pic each day. If you have your own Commander Keen fan art or photos that you wish to share, feel free to contact us.

We can now be found on Facebook. If you have a Facebook account you can keep in touch with updates from us! You can become a fan by clicking the Facebook button to the left.

To all you Keen fans out there who would like to purchase Commander Keen games legally. Visit the link below to purchase Commander Keen games for your Steam account. Commander Keen pack in Steam store. You can find more information in our Forums section.