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Pic Of The Day

Keen Wolf Christmas


Monthly Archives: September 2010

With Halloween coming up soon we’re asking all you Keen fans who feel like doing some Keen art to participate in creating Halloween Commander Keen art. We would love to see some. It doesn’t have to have Commander Keen in the pic. It can be anything Keen related plus Halloween. For example this could mean your favorite Keen enemy and a pumpkin. Everyone is welcome to participate in this task. All artwork will be added to our image gallery found to the left of this page. Also you’ll get to have a link to your own portfolio/website.

Head on over to our forum page to share your art or post it up on our Facebook wall. Hope everyone has fun with this task.


We have reached one year of existence. Bringing you some of the best Keen fan works found in the galaxy. We have been happy to share with you some awesome and inspiring art works over the year. Thank you to everyone for their support and fandom of our legendary hero Commander Keen!

In other news it is also Tom Hall’s birthday (The creator of Commander Keen) A very big special Happy Birthday to you Tom. Hope you have a great day!